Our Services


You can strengthen your cyber defense with a reputed cyber security company in Dubai, with a specialized form of ethical hacking like penetrating testing that is much needed for identifying vulnerabilities in your company’s applications, systems, or networks. Avoid potential cyber-attacks with a strong and effective approach.

Nuox understands how important it is to protect and safeguard your sensitive data and digital assets. You can trust our expertise for enhancing your security posture and highlight your organization from emerging threats.

Vulnerability Assessment

To identify the flaws and gaps in your cybersecurity policies this process will provide you with a comprehensive review along with functional recommendations to protect your organization from malware and threats. Don’t let the vulnerabilities be liabilities, strengthen your digital defense with Nuox, the best cyber security company in Dubai

Security Hardening

Our specialized cybersecurity experts provide server security a hardening solution that can reduce risk in your company’s IT infrastructure. With tools that are equipped with techniques and applications for hardenings like database hardening, server hardening etc., as we provide cybersecurity consulting services, your servers are fortified against threats with Nuox.



What do you mean by Penetration testing?

Basically, penetration testing is a form of assessment in cybersecurity whereby a properly trained professional will identify attacks on the networks and applications of your company in advance.

Is penetration testing necessary?

Cyber security has penetration testing as one of the significant components since it can point out the weak points before the attacker does it. This will also assist in determining the efficiency of your current security solutions, and can also detect segments that need enhancement. As a result, to regulate compliance, such measures as penetration testing are sometimes necessary for regulations or standards.

How is the penetration test performed?

Cybersecurity consulting services provide penetration testing to be done by trained professionals who are going to conduct simulated attacks against the organization using various techniques. Testing will involve automatic tools for searching for vulnerabilities, trying to exploit them, and testing the efficiency of different security measures in place. This could include firewalls, access controls, and other protection measures within a company or organization. A detailed report follows, pointing out the findings and giving recommendations for remediation.

Does penetration testing have a fixed duration?

The frequency of penetration testing depends upon your organizational risks and requirements. For the most part, testing should be done at least annually or on any significant change in applications or systems. More frequent testing is necessary for organizations in high-risk industries or for those who have faced it before.

Can penetrating testing be the same for my system?

Although this testing is designed to be safe for your systems, there’s always some risk of certain undesired effects. That risk is greatly reduced when you deal with an experienced penetration testing provider through Cybersecurity Consulting—one that follows best practices and has a provable track record.

What is the estimated cost for a penetration test?

It can vary based on many factors such as the complexity and size of your system, the scope of the testing and the expertise provider. Risking the assessment of possible liabilities and benefiting from the assessment of potential threats before they can be turned into opportunities constitutes a challenge. Cyber security companies in Dubai present customers with several ways to test products and services depending on the prices they are willing to pay.

What does server security mean?

Security servers can be configured to protect the company’s server from unsanctioned access and cyber-attacks, it can also keep the data on the server safe in terms of availability, integrity and confidentiality by different technical and administrative controls. Working with a renowned cybersecurity company in Dubai will ensure that one is empowered with skills in the effective management and improvement of server security.

What is the importance of server security?

Server security is so important as the servers are the prime target for cyber attacks as they will contain sensitive information such as customer details, financial information, intellectual property etc. The consequences of security breaches can lead to critical and significant reputational and financial damages like legal and regulatory repercussions.

What are some of the common server security risks?

Some of the server security threats include; unauthorized access, viruses and malware, data leaks, DoS attacks, and server settings, which can be prevented by; firewalls, access control, encryption, regular patching, updates etc.

Are there any particular steps to be taken to improve the server's security?

As a cybersecurity consulting company our suggestion to improve your server security, these are some of the steps that you can include:

  • By adding strong access control and password policies
  • Consistently updating software and operating systems
  • Installing firewall and intrusion detection software
  • Secure transfer of data in transit and storage
  • Monitoring logs and alerts for suspicious activities
  • Conducting regular security assessments and penetration testing

Do we have a fixed duration to perform a security assessment on my server?

It can depend on the specific risks and requirements of your organization, it is recommended to perform the security assessment at least once a year. You can also do it when there are any unusual changes to your systems or applications. Some high-risk industries or organizations that have past security incidents might need to perform testing more frequently.

Can I outsource my server security to a third-party provider?

It will be a very cost-effective solution when an organization does not have an in-house team to manage security. Opting for experienced cybersecurity professionals ensures expertise and efficiency. It’s crucial to select reputable cybersecurity consulting services with a track record of success and innovative approaches.

How much does server security cost?

Determining the cost of server security will therefore depend on factors such as the number of systems or servers in your organization, the level of security needed and the security firm to do the job. Thus, one should not lose sight of the cost of security and the relative value of guarding computer systems and data assets. Most cybersecurity consulting services possess wide arrays of security options depending on the user’s budget and demands.

What do you mean by smart contract?

Smart contracts will function by encoding the term of the contract to the computer code and deploying the code to a blockchain network. The contracts will be automatically executed when conditions are met, transfer of cryptocurrency or the completion of a specific action and some of the contract conditions.

What does it mean by smart contract?

Some advantages of smart contracts will include,

  • Automation: Smart contracts are digital contracts where key terms of contracts are coded to be completed without the help of middlemen, and the process is much faster.
  • Transparency: Smart contracts are placed on the blockchain that is open and available to the public; thus, it is easy to check the contract’s conditions and comply with them.
  • Security: Smart contracts do not have issues of fraud since their operations are protected by cryptography and consensus principles.
  • Cost savings: Through the removal of third parties, smart contracts can lower costs and enhance throughput.

What are some examples of smart contracts?

There are many examples of how smart contracts in different industries are used like finance, real estate, supply chain management etc. Some examples are:

  • Finance: To automate financial transactions these platforms use smart contracts in lending and borrowing that will eliminate intermediaries.
  • Real estate contracts: Smart contracts could also be applied in conveyancing since they can be employed in the automation of the transfer of property conveyance and guarantee all the individuals involved with the problem of real estate adhere to the terms of the contract.
  • Supply chain management: To tackle such challenges smart contracts can be developed for automating a supply chain; for instance, tracking of products and confirmation of the legitimacy of products.

How can I create a smart contract?

To create a smart contract you need programming knowledge and expertise in blockchain technology. Many tools and platforms are available that can help simplify this process including Solidity (a programming language for creating smart contracts on the Etherem blockchain) and the Remix IDE (an integrated development environment for testing and developing smart contracts).

Are smart contracts secure?

Smart contract implementations are, by their nature, both secure and resistant to tampering because of the cryptography and consensus methods used in the blockchain. Of course, getting new machinery always comes with certain dangers, although in the case of smart contracts, the risks could be significantly high, especially if the contract codification or testing is done inadequately. The guidelines for the proper development of smart contracts include reviewing the source code and ensuring that the program code has been tested before launching it.